New clues in the search for kidnapped NC teen Hania Aguilar

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace show

Summary: Security camera video shows a man detectives suspect kidnapped a 13-year-old girl who disappeared last week. The FBI released the video, hoping that someone might recognize the man who was  wearing a hoodie, a light shirt, and light shoes walking toward the North Carolina home where Hania Aguilar was abducted from. Nancy Grace updates the case with forensics expert Joseph Scott Morgan, lawyer & psychologist Dr. Brian Russell, and Alan Duke. A driver who allegedly plowed into a Girl Scout troop was "huffing" chemicals just before the crash, according to police. Nancy looks at the death of 3 girls and an adult with Sheryl McCollum -- a former president of Georgia's Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, Southern California prosecutor Wendy Patrick, psychologist Caryn Stark,  lawyer Jason Oshins, forensics expert Karen Smith, and reporter John Lemley. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at