Blood Rites- Chapters 13, 14, & 15

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: Hi everyone! RoShawn and I are back with another installment of Blood Rites, and this is the part where someone pulls a gun on Harry. Wait, I mean the part where someone tries to shoot Harry. Wait, I mean the part where someone succeeds at shooting Harry. <br><br>You know what? None of this is helpful. Harry gets shot at, and even successfully shot, a lot. <br>These are the chapters where Harry spots Thomas watching him from the shadows, and chases him down to question him, only to have Lara Raith pressing two guns against his back. Lara is in no mood, and when she finds out that Thomas has involved Harry, her reaction is mainly one of incredulity. She can't believe that Thomas has taken this long to "enter the game", as she puts it, and his assertions that the two of them could team up to take their father down are greeted with ridicule. Lana has seen all this shit before, and as far as she is concerned, it's more merciful for her to shoot Thomas now than to let one of his inevitable fuck-ups lead to dying at the hands of their father. <br><br>Thanks so much for listening! See you soon!