Dead Beat- Chapters 22, 23, & 24

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: POLKA WILL NEVER DIE!<br>Poor Butters in this section, amirite? The dude gets yanked out a basement window by his HAIR by a horde of zombies, beaten up by a dark wizard, and then forced to endure a soulgaze he will never be capable of forgetting with said wizard. All in all, it has been a pretty crappy day. <br><br>Meanwhile, Harry isn't faring so much better. His confidence in his magic –at least in his FIRE magic– has taken a hit, plus he's injured and exhausted. So maybe we can forgive Thomas for taking some liberties with Harry's medications? Because this dude wasn't gonna slow down, and that would have done everyone more harm than good. <br>When this section leaves off, the city is shrouded in darkness as the Corpse-taker and Grevane battle it out in the street, using zombies and ghosts for armies. I think its safe to say that things are starting to get way WAY out of hand. <br>Thanks so much for listening, and see you next week!