Episode #10 NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES, High Paying Technology Jobs and You Don't Need a Degree

Tech Money Talks, Careers & Dropshipping w/ Pro Dropshipper Brian McCumber, like Russell Brunson, Pat Flynn, GaryVee, Leo Laporte, Lewis Howes, Tim Ferriss, Eric Thomas, Neil Patel, John Sonmez, Scott Hilse, Tai Lopez show

Summary: Episode #10 NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES, High Paying Technology Jobs and You Don't Need a Degree Unedited Instagram Live Stream of The Morning Commute. Today I'm talking about New Opportunities for you in landing a Technology Career. Did you know the average starting salary for a Technology Job is around $60k per year? That's basically $1,000 a week you're bringing home! This is a part of my passion and my efforts to give back, because I am so thankful for the opportunites and success Technology has given to me. There's a growing issue in the Technology Industry today. There is not enough skilled people to fill the demand for Technology Jobs that are open. Harvard Business School validated my gut feelings on this issue by researching with over 800 HR Departments across the country. They called the issue "The Middle Skills Gap" and validated that there are not enough middle skilled human resources to fill the demand for the jobs that companies have. I believe most people can learn and take advantage of the current Technology Opportunities. That's why I'm doing my best to increase the awareness and talk about the opportunites that Technology has to offer. If you're already happy with your career, then you probably know someone that could use help. Be that friend to send them here. Have them get in touch with me so I can help them with their career track. Be that friend and if you want to raise your career in Technology, let me know. I'm starting a members group on Slack and will invite you. Great things happen by taking action! Hope this helps. Please share this this and follow me on IG @techmoneytalks