Episode 12 Courage to Live the Dream and Take Advantage of Technology Opportunities

Tech Money Talks, Careers & Dropshipping w/ Pro Dropshipper Brian McCumber, like Russell Brunson, Pat Flynn, GaryVee, Leo Laporte, Lewis Howes, Tim Ferriss, Eric Thomas, Neil Patel, John Sonmez, Scott Hilse, Tai Lopez show

Summary: Episode 12 Courage to Live the Dream and Take Advantage of Today's Technology Opportunities Unedited Instagram Live Stream from the Rise and Grind Living the dream takes Courage. Chasing your dreams takes Courage. Learning something new, like Technology, takes Courage. Starting a new Business takes Courage. Have the courage to pursue your goals and dreams. Don't let what you think other people might think stop you. Take action. Put yourself out there. Each and everyday try to be a better you! In this episode I open up and share so much more. After you listend if this was helpful, please tag someone that you would like to hear this. You can follow me on IG @techmoneytalks