Episode 67 – Back in't'World

The Blue Envelope Podcast show

Summary: Hi there! It's just Rob and Matteo this week, with Neil off in America for the Pro Tour and Matt AWOL. Rob's back in't'day extends nicely into a talk about how different countries have done over time, which leads rather nicely into a spectral progression that reveals some interesting numbers on global GP attendance. Back in't'day: http://magic.wizards.com/en/events/coverage/ptla01 Matteo did promise we'd post a link to the translated [mtg_card]Gaddock Teeg[/mtg_card] we talk about... but he can't find it anymore. soz. Congratulations to the lucky winner of our monthly Patreon crackapack draw: Patreon user Karel! Every month we give out the contents of our crackapacks to one of our subscribers. In the absence of Real Neil, fake Neil (Matteo) takes on a Rigtionary word of the day: Mulligan. As always, you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel, or find us on Facebook and Twitter. www.facebook.com/tbepodcast www.twitter.com/tbepodcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRN0xy2Q5wpGVn30Q_kqN_w Oh, and don't forget our lovely sponsors, Magic Madhouse. And if, after that, you have some spare money left over, we'd really appreciate it if you could show us some support through Patreon. www.magicmadhouse.co.uk www.patreon.com/tbepodcast The Blue Envelope team x