Episode 81 – Confront the Unknown

The Blue Envelope Podcast show

Summary: Hi there! In this week's Back in't'Day, Rob takes us back to the invitational in which Antoine Ruel created Ranger of Eos - did you know that was an Invitational card when you were fetching up two Figures of Destiny? Back in't'Day: http://magic.wizards.com/en/events/coverage/mi06 The three-part tournament report by Jeff "Ffej" Cunningham can be found here, here and here, and it's well-worth a read: http://www.starcitygames.com/magic/misc/12070-Get-Big-or-Die-Trying-The-2006-Magic-Invitational-Part-1.html http://www.starcitygames.com/magic/misc/12084-Get-Big-or-Die-Trying-The-2006-Magic-Invitational-Part-2.html http://www.starcitygames.com/magic/misc/12104-Get-Big-or-Die-Trying-The-2006-Magic-Invitational-Part-3.html We have another crack-a-pack this week, before delving deep into the world of Time Spiral draft – this month's MTGO flashback draft format. On the topic of the Confront the Unknown challenge, we've had a few entries since we recorded in which the number of clues has gone infinite... so we're now looking for the most interesting infinite combo! If you want to have a go, here's the challenge: It's Shadows over Innistrad limited (SOI cards only, 40 card deck, no limit on number of copies of each card). You're on the play What's the biggest confront the Unknown you can case on turn 6? Bonus question (seeing as we've had a few infinite entries): what's the biggest confront you can by using only 1 copy of any given card, and without repeating the same action more than twice in a turn (i.e. without going infinite) No Matt this week, so no Trash to Treasure, but Neil's word of the day is Lucky Charms. As always, you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel, or find us on Facebook and Twitter. Don't forget our lovely sponsors, Magic Madhouse. And if, after that, you have some spare money left over, we'd really appreciate it if you could show us some support through Patreon. www.facebook.com/tbepodcast www.twitter.com/tbepodcast www.youtube.com/channel/UCRN0xy2Q5wpGVn30Q_kqN_w www.magicmadhouse.co.uk www.patreon.com/tbepodcast Thanks for listening, The Blue Envelope team x