EP 051: Mike Cobb – International Real Estate Guru Breaks Down Investments In Belize And Nicaragua

The Expat Money Show show

Summary: International Real Estate Guru Breaks Down Investments In Belize And Nicaragua.<br> Mike Cobb is the Co-Founder of ECI Development, that does International Real Estate Developments in Central America and the Caribbean with a lot of the focus these days being investments in Belize and investment in Nicaragua. Mike and his family lived as Expats in Managua, Nicaragua for 14 years before returning to the States.  They went there for business and stayed there by choice.<br> <br>  <br> International Real Estate<br> Mike Cobb is extremely passionate about what opportunities the country has for Expat Entrepreneurs and International Real Estate!  Have you ever wondered how someone from the USA could end up living and working in Central America?  What would the draw be and why would you stay?  This is the episode to listen to if Central America is where you've contemplated investing, retiring or a little of both.<br> <br>  <br> <br> When Mike Cobb starting building communities in Central America, they believed that their market would be for investors to buy and to rent out as vacation homes.  This was true until the baby boomers decided they could have it both ways.  They could buy International Real Estate, rent out 6 months of the year and pay down their mortgage.   Then as 'snow birds' spend the winter months in a fabulous community in a country that offers a high standard of living with a low cost of living.<br> <br>  <br> Time Machine &amp; Path of Progress<br> Mikk Cobb, what does that mean?  Time Machine &amp; Path of Progress?  If you could go back 20 years and see how the path of progress was, you'd be rich.  I'm sure many of you have dreamt about the 'what if's' If I only knew what the economy would be like.  You still have time with an investment in Belize or an investment in Nicaragua.<br> <br>  <br> Investment in Belize<br> Let's talk about investments in Belize and the time machine &amp; path of Progress.  In Belize, you're likely going back in time about 5-10 years.  If you're talking about Nicaragua, it's more like 20 years.  It truly is the best time to make an investment in Belize.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Are you interested in an investment in Belize?  Mike Cobb discusses what is available, what life is like in Belize and what you can expect from your investment in Belize.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Are you an early baby boomer? Do you find yourself wondering if you've saved enough money to have the life you're accustomed to in the US or Canada?  If not, again, this is the episode that is so important to give a listen to.<br> <br>  <br> Offshore Banking in Belize<br> Are you an American or Canadian entrepreneur?  with a viable business and paying high taxes? Let's talk about <a href="https://expatmoneyshow.com/offshore-company-registration/">offshore banking in Belize</a>.   Life in Belize is warm and sunny most of the year. Crime is low, medical care is fantastic, in fact, they welcome medical tourism.  Therefore, the real question is 'why would you stay in your home country when you can set up offshore banking in Belize and pay next to nothing in taxes and have a lower cost of living and a higher quality of life'.  I know that sounds like a paradox, but it's true.<br> <br>  <br> <br> <a href="https://expatmoneyshow.com/offshore-company-registration/">DISCOVER HOW YOU CAN LEGALLY ELIMINATE YOUR TAX BILL THIS WEEK </a><br> <br> <a href="https://expatmoneyshow.com/offshore-company-registration/">- ASK FOR A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION HERE</a><br> <br>  <br> Investment in Nicaragua<br> Talking about an investment in Nicaragua, Mike Cobb and his partner have been at this a long time and have built their company ECI from the ground up.  They know what they are talking about and are an integral part of helping to develop a country so that Americans &amp; Canadians have a ...