The Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson: Looking out for Canada’s lakes, rivers and oceans show

Summary: The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson had a successful career in the private sector for many years before running for office. The catalyst came during lunch with a friend when Wilkinson got a gentle — but firm — nudge from said friend, who had been patiently listening to him for years as he voiced concern about the direction of Canada’s environmental policy. “What are you going to do about it?” the friend asked. And so began a journey to becoming a MP, being named Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and then on his current post as Canada’s Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard. He may only be a few months into the job, but his familiarity with and love for the country’s waterways dates back a long way.<br> <br> Twitter: Minister Wilkinson and Fisheries and Oceans Canada<br> Facebook: Minister Wilkinson and Fisheries and Oceans Canada<br> Instagram: Minister Wilkinson