Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 11/09/2018 - Live from The Nation Magazine in New York City, Thom has great guests today to discuss the next move for Progressive Democrats.

The Hartmann Report show

Summary: Thom beams in the show from the conference room of The Nation Magazine in New York City, where he sits down to chew on the news with publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel. -------  Thom talks strategy with activist philanthropist Tom Steyer and his call for Trump's impeachment- and whether the Democrats are likely to proceed with it. -------  The author of 'The Horsemen of the Trump-ocalypse', The Nation staff writer John Nichols comes bearing many questions about his home state. How will Wisconsin Republicans welcome their new Democratic governor, since wage-slasher Scott Walker just got a blue wave pink slip? Can the radical changes of the last few years to destroy unions and lower wages be rolled back? Will the Republicans be so low as to remove the governor's power to change his own staff? ------- Joe Madison, host of the Joe Madison show, has been watching the huge protests over the firing of Jeff Sessions, and argues that millennials are ready to make a difference. ------- After an early screening of Adam McKay's new film "Vice" about Dick Cheney, Thom was thunderstruck on the dramatization of Cheney's efforts to dismantle democracy. Thom answers listener questions about the Democrats' strategy now that they will have a controlling majority in the House of Representatives and speculates on the possible outcomes of Trump's illegal appointment of Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker without Congressional approval.