Did teen kill mom over a bad grade? PLUS: Thousand Oaks shooter's bizarre criticism of response to other US massacres

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace show

Summary: A Florida teen allegedly strangled his mother and buried her under a church fire pit over a poor report card grade. Nancy Grace looks at the case against 15-year-old Gregory Ramos, charged in the murder of mother Gail Cleavenger. Nancy's experts include forensics expert Joseph Scott Morgan, North Carolina lawyer Kathleen Murphy, forensic psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Bober, Atlanta lawyer Penny Douglas-Furr, and reporter Nicole Partin. Nancy also updates the investigation into what led to the Thousand Oaks bar massacre. The former marine who killed a dozen people, including a sheriff's deputy, posted a Facebook message before he opened fire on the crowd at Borderline Bar and Grill in which he appears critical of responses to previous mass shootings in the U.S.  See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.