TKAM #913 Dems Take House. #AirOutWednesday

TK in the AM: show

Summary: 11.7.18 After last night, today is a special Wednesday. It’s the day after Midterm Elections. What is happening now? What do you think will happen? Join in, it’s a day for conversation. #AirOutWednesday In #NewsYouCanUse: The Takeaways from the Midterm results. The GOP has the Senate, the Democrats have the House. Who are the “OTHER” groups? We look into Asian and Latinx voters. Ted Cruz and the Republicans kept power in Texas. Many states and statistics played a major role along with alleged voter fraud. History is made as many firsts and diversified populations got elected into offices. During #ChatroomCheckIn we follow up with our listeners in the chatroom. But today is the day after the midterms, like we’ve always said: politics are a pile of tricks. It’s up to you and I to sit together and talk about them. Come thru, that’s what we’re here for. #AirOutWednesday @TKinTheAM is live every M-W-F 10-1130am EST on and tunein app. Same day replays 7pm EST also available on Apple Podcasts, GooglePodcasts, Spreaker, and Spotify! If you really like us, leave a review on Apple Podcast that’d be really cool.