Verbo Gustar – Like – Como Expresar Preferencias en INGLES

Ingles Total: Cursos y clases gratis de Ingles show

Summary: LECCION 18 – Do you like … ? – Conversation / Speaking  #1<br> Curso de Ingles Basico Elemental. Recuerden que para bajar la lección a sus reproductores hagan click derecho sobre DOWNLOAD y click en guardar vínculo como. <a href="">PARA VER LAS LECCIONES ANTERIORES IR AQU</a>I.<br> Hello students and visitors. I hope you had a great Easter and today we will talk about the verb to like in the present simple which we use to talk about preferences.<br> Present Simple (verb to like)<br> USE (Think in ENGLISH!)<br><br> We use the verb to like in the present simple to talk about PREFERENCES or to express interest about something or someone. <br> <br> * <br> Subject + verb to like + NOUN<br> <br> <br> When we talk about nouns (<a href="" target="_blank">what is a noun?</a>) after the verb to like we talk about things in general therefore we use THE PLURAL FORM for countable nouns.<br> EXAMPLES:<br> – I like mangoes. ( NOT: i like a mango)<br><br> – Do you like dogs or cats?<br><br> – What kind of movies does your friend like?<br> NOTE:<br><br> With nouns that are UNCOUNTABLE (nouns you cannot form in plural e.g. RICE, WATER, MUSIC) we DO NOT put it in a plural form obviously.<br> Examples:<br> – Maria likes beer. (NOT: Maria likes beers because beer in an uncountable noun in English)<br><br> – What kind of music do you like?<br><br> – I like Italian food.<br> <br> * <br> Subject + verb to like + “verb” GERUND FORM (-ing)<br> <br> <br> When we want to use a “verb” as a complement we use the verb in the gerund form (-ING ENDING e.g dancing, going out, running, swimming etc)<br> Examples:<br> – I like going to the disco.<br><br> – My wife likes cooking.<br><br> – What do you like doing?<br> NOTE:<br> In American English you can use the gerund OR the infinitive form after the verb to like.<br> Example:<br> Carlos likes teaching English — OR — Carlos likes to teach English.<br> *** Notas del profesor.<br><br> Vemos que el verbo to like es para hablar de preferencias y de gustos en el PRESENT SIMPLE. Si el complemento es un sustantivo usamos la forma plural a no ser que sea un sustantivo no contable. Cuando se use el verbo en el complemento usamos la forma gerundia que es el verbo mas la terminación “ING”. <br> En en inglés americano se puede usar en infinitivo (to dance) en vez de el gerundio. En InglesTotal vamos a recomendar usar la forma gerundio porque los mejores libros lo recomiendan y en muchos examenes tendrán que usar la forma de gerundio.<br>