Vocabulario de Salud y de SINTOMAS en INGLES – English Health vocabulary

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Summary: Lista de vocabulario y terminos relacionados con la SALUD– Health related vocabulary TERMS – LECCION 16 VOCABULARIO / Vocabulary<br> Today we are going to learn vocabulary related to our health. We are going to learn expressions to describe how we feel. It is important to practice and repeat the phrases.<br> Hoy tenemos vocabulario relacionado a nuestra salud. Despues de esta lección de vocabulario podremos decir como nos sentimos y descrbir los síntomas que tenemos.<br> <br> We have different ways of saying that we don’t feel well or expressing pain. Let’s have a look at some options:<br> Expressing Symptoms<br> <br> * <br> We use the “-ache” with (backache, earache, headache, stomachache, and toothache)<br> <br> <br> – I have a backache / headache / (an) earache / stomachache / toothache [audio:http://www.inglestotal.com/wp-content/uploads/Listening1]<a href="http://www.inglestotal.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/health.jpg"></a>Imagen de Cambridge University press, New Interchange pg.73<br> <br> * <br> For other body parts we can use the adjective sore which means painful to the touch or tender.<br> <br> <br> – I have a sore back / My back is sore / I have a sore throat [audio:http://www.inglestotal.com/wp-content/uploads/Listening2]<br> <br> * <br> Hurt is a verb. It means to cause physical damage or pain.<br> <br> <br> –  My back hurts / My arm hurts / My elbow hurts &gt;[audio:http://www.inglestotal.com/wp-content/uploads/Listening3]<br> Other body parts symptoms<br> Nose – I have allergies.<br><br> – I’m sneezing a lot. (Sneeze: estornudar)[audio:http://www.inglestotal.com/wp-content/uploads/Listening4]Throat (garganta)<br><br> – I have a sore throat<br><br> – I have a cough.[audio:http://www.inglestotal.com/wp-content/uploads/Listening5]<br> Skin <br><br> – I have a rash (sarpullido)[audio:http://www.inglestotal.com/wp-content/uploads/Listening6]<br> Chest <br><br> – I have a chest pain (pain: dolor)[audio:http://www.inglestotal.com/wp-content/uploads/Listening7]<br><br> Foot/leg/ankle (pie/pierna/tobillo)<br><br> – I sprained my ankle. (Sprain: to injure by a sudden twisting ligaments / torcer) [audio:http://www.inglestotal.com/wp-content/uploads/Listening8]<br> Other health related vocabulary<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> English<br> <br> <br> Spanish<br> <br> <br> <br> ache<br> Dolor<br> <br> <br> cold<br> Resfriado<br> <br> <br> cough<br> Tos / toser<br> <br> <br> flu<br> La gripe<br> <br> <br> heart attack<br> Ataque al corazón<br> <br> <br> infection<br> Infección<br> <br> <br> pain<br> dolor<br> <br> <br> <br> Health and Healthcare – Minor Injuries<br> <br> <br> <br> bruise<br> Moreton / contusionar (sustantivo/verbo)<br> <br> <br> cut<br> Cortarse<br> <br> <br> wound<br> Herida/herir (sustantivo/verbo)<br> <br> <br> <br> Health and Healthcare – Treatment<br> <br> <br> <br> bandage<br> Bendaje<br> <br> <br> check-up<br> Cheque medico<br> <br> <br> dose (of medicine)<br> Dosis<br> <br> <br> drugs<br> Medicina<br> <br> <br> injection<br> Inyeccíon<br> <br> <br> give some an injection<br> Aplicar inyección<br> <br> <br> medicine<br> Medicina<br> <br> <br> take medicine<br> Tomar medicina<br> <br> <br> operation<br> Operación<br> <br> <br> pain-killer<br> Analgésico<br> <br> <br> pill<br> Pastille<br> <br> <br> tablet<br> Tablet<br> <br> <br> tranquilizer<br> Tranquilizante<br> <br> <br> <br> Health and Healthcare – People<br> <br> <br> <br> dentist<br> Dentist<br> <br> <br> doctor<br> Doctor<br> <br> <br> general practitioner<br> Otro término para los médicos<br> <br> <br> midwife<br> Partera<br>