Overwhelmed or Overcommitted? How to Prioritize with the Power of 3

She Podcast show

Summary: <p>Do you take on too many things, too quickly? Do you feel overcommitted from juggling all your priorities and drop the things that mean the most to you? No longer, girlfriend. It’s time to kick the overwhelm and prioritize like a boss. Listen in to learn the streamlining power of segmenting and breaking down how you manage the most important things in your life so you can step into the peace of stewarding your commitments well. Stop compromising and start prioritizing.</p><br><p><a href="https://instagram.com/jordanleedooley" target="_blank">@jordanleedooley</a></p><p><a href="https://instagram.com/shepodcast" target="_blank">@shepodcast</a></p><br><p>Episode Details: <a href="http://jordanleedooley.com/overwhelmed-or-overcommitted-how-to-prioritize-with-the-power-of-3" target="_blank">http://jordanleedooley.com/overwhelmed-or-overcommitted-how-to-prioritize-with-the-power-of-3</a></p><br><p>The SHE Podcast is a part of the Lasting Media network of podcasts. Learn more at <a href="http://lastingmediagroup.com" target="_blank">http://lastingmediagroup.com</a></p>