I'm not an Ethicist -- Episode 008

Podcast of Small Differences show

Summary: Data Science has become dangerous. You could be hurting other people through the practice of your job, and there's no reason to try to reason through it all on your own. Guest John Taylor discusses some ethical frameworks as tools to help you with tough issues. Show Notes: https://www.smalldiffcast.com/blog/2018/10/31/im-not-an-ethicist-episode-008 Subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/podcast-of-small-differences/id1416947786?mt=2 Subscribe on Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Inzg4hat5enbr7g7nvl5ryaq7da?t=Podcast_of_Small_Differences Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/OfDifferences