64 - Stressed? Exercise Can Fix That! - Exercise and The Brain Part 2

Defining Dad Bod show

Summary: "I'm pretty stressed out today"<br><br>Oh yeah? What's got you stressed?<br><br>Kids, job, decisions, family, and random acts of entropy -- adulting is hard and the 2nd law of thermodynamics is working! <br><br>(The universe tends toward disorder, Entrophy is always positive in a reaction. AND whatever might go wrong, usually does)<br><br>So what to do?<br><br>What if I told you that exercise can change the structure and function of your brain so that you can DEAL BETTER. <br><br>AND the effects are lasting?<br><br>Would that motivate you?<br><br>I understand, you're stressed, but if you added a 20min run here or there or hit the weights you could end your day feeling accomplished rather than stressed. Excited rather than anxious. Contented rather than upset.<br><br>Its a powerful mechanism. Lets talk about it!