Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 11/05/2018 - Will America vote for Trump's fascism on Tuesday? Thom surveys the political landscape. Bernie stops by, Greg Palast has tips for actually voting, and former congressman Bob Ney triangulates.

The Hartmann Report show

Summary: Thom considers the political mood on the eve of the election and looks at interesting stories. A Canadian fan letter sparks Thom's suggestion that America might also use a national medicare identification card for voting, though that would give Republicans one more reason to oppose national health insurance for the U.S. .. Thom reflects on a new Daily Beast article by Matt Lewis that considers the historical backlash advantage for sitting presidents who lose a branch to another party during midterms. ------------ Senator Bernie Sanders phones in to speculate on the implications of the election, the urgency for all voters to cast ballots, and the necessity for Democrats to take the lead in reform. ------------ Thom looks at some interesting stories. ------------ Greg Palast offers suggestions of how to avoid the "back of the bus" ballot treatment at the polls. ------------ Thom reads from 'Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America', chapter one. ------------ Talk Media News' Bob Ney triangulates how the field stands the day before the election.  ------------ And finally, listeners ask why so many boomers on Medicare want to vote for a party working to destroy it. And why do Republicans keep lying about voter fraud?