What’s On My Ballot


Summary: We've spent a great deal of time talking about the candidates on your ballot but you may also have important questions called ballot proposals that need your vote. We will get you ready to vote up and down the ballot by discussing ballot proposals and where to find information on judicial candidates.<br> <br> <br> <br> There is not one, but two lessons for us explaining what’s on our ballot to get us prepared to head for the polls this November and she is joined by the Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and lecturer, the incomparable <a href="https://karenhuntershow.com/">Karen Hunter</a>. <br> <br> Joy believes in the power of storytelling so Karen shared her #FirstCivicAction, well actually two #CivicActions! First she tells us that while a senior in high school, she participated in<a href="https://www.forbes.com/byb/final_round/byb07_presidentialclassroom.html"> Presidential Classroom</a> then she shares that her 2nd action was when she cast her vote for Rev Jesse Jackson in the <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/1987/10/11/us/jackson-makes-formal-bid-for-presidency-in-1988.html">Presidential Primary in 1988</a>, leading L. Joy to explain that Rev. Jackson’s Presidential run in 1988 had a ripple effect on politics.<br> <br> Lesson one is on Ballot initiatives. Did you know that ballot measures, propositions, referendums or questions are proposed legislation to be approved or rejected by us, the voters? This is a form of direct democracy. This political season, there are 169 statewide ballot measures and dozens of local ballot measures. L. Joy, Lurie, Karen and June break down some of the ballot initiatives.<br> <br> Lesson two is on a topic folks have been asking about….how do we choose judges? Since most of us have no idea how to make that choice, it’s been found that approximately 25% of voters who go to the polls do not cast any vote in the judicial contests. L. Joy brings Lurie to the front of the class to explain how we can make assessments on judicial candidates and they give practical advice!<br> <br> This week’s homework:<br> <br> 1. Reach out to your local Board of Elections or your state’s Secretary of State to find out what’s on you ballot.<br> <br> 2. Make a checklist of what’s on your ballot and your answers so you’ll be ready to go to the polls.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Resources: <br> <br> <a href="https://ballotpedia.org/2018_ballot_measures">Ballotpedia</a> have a list of ballot measures that may appear on your ballot<br> <br> <a href="https://www.lwv.org/">The League of Women Voters</a> may be able to assist you with what’s on your ballot<br> <br> <a href="https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/administrative/judicial_independence/reformat.authcheckdam.pdf">The American Bar Association</a> for the criteria for evaluating candidates for state judicial office