Sistas Gonna Work It Out


Summary: We get a history lesson on Black women's power at the voting booth and kick-off our new #SistasToWatch segment profiling Black women running for office with <a href="">Glynda Carr</a> and <a href="">Kimberly Peeler-Allen</a>, co-founders of <a href="">Higher Heights for America</a>. <br> <br> Today’s lesson is about Black women’s vote power in America beginning with their voter registration efforts immediately after the passage of the 19th Amendment. L. Joy uses an excerpt from <a href="">The Crisis Vol. 21 No 5. March 1921</a> to show that Black women’s political might at the ballot box is not new and neither is the efforts of voter suppression.<br> <br> Guest Interview I: <a href="">Glynda Carr</a> and <a href="">Kimberly Peeler-Allen</a> share how Higher Heights is an organization which focuses on electing Black women, telling us of the multitude of initiatives and programs they have from <a href="">#BlackWomenVote</a>, to <a href="">#BlackWomenLead</a> and how you can <a href="">get involved</a>.<br> <br> Guest Interview II: <a href="">Stacey Abrams</a>, Democratic Candidate for Governor in Georgia shares her #FirstCivicAction, a first civic memory with her parents and how it shaped her life.