#234: We Can Do THAT in the Bedroom?

Java with Juli show

Summary: <p>What's OK in the bedroom? Juli, Linda &amp; Yvette tackle one of our most popular questions in this episode of Java with Juli. While God has said "no" to several things, He says YES to so much more! Join us to learn how to discern where you might need to draw a line and where you might need to step out of your comfort zone.</p> <p>Guests: Linda Dillow &amp; Yvette Maher</p> <p>In this episode:</p> <ul> <li><a href="https://www.authenticintimacy.com/passion-pursuit-study">Passion Pursuit</a></li> <li>Juli's blog <a href="https://www.authenticintimacy.com/resources/3499/whats-ok-in-the-bedroom">What's OK in the Bedroom</a>?</li> <li>Juli &amp; Linda answer <a href="https://www.authenticintimacy.com/resources/7031/whats-ok-in-the-bedroom">"What's OK?"</a> live! (video)</li> </ul>