Interview with Jake Fite of the White Rabbits Social Club

EarzUp! show

Summary: Today's show is a departure of sorts for what we normally talk about on EarzUp, but it is interesting nonetheless. A few shows back we read an article from past guest David Koenig on a social club that was being sued, along with the Disney company, for allegations of extortion and threatening behavior. We all thought it was an interesting story and one that we should try to explore a bit further. David's article, while well-written, was understandably one-sided since the only information he had to go on was the court documents filed by the plaintiff. Being the intrepid pseudo-journalists we are, Terrence reached out to Jake Fite, one of the many defendants in the court case, to see if he would come on and give his side of the story. It's a complex one with many layers, and might not be suitable (or interesting, as it's rather long and detailed and has nothing to do with Disneyland history) for those younger kids in the audience.