GTST Episode 123: Teaching Calculus to a Spider

Give That Some Thought show

Summary: Matt tells a story about bonding with a stranger over MK Ultra’s mind control. Then there’s a nice long overview from Matt about the Hulme Family Camping trip 2016 and some discussion about the programming being so deep that it can only be broken from within. We also discussed what happened on our week off in the news cycle, including the most recent debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Matt has a tirade on correct the record and internet censorship. Then we answer all the listener comments for us submitted on social media, and wrap up the show with an existential conversation about the inerrancy of the Bible. <br> Follow Matt (<a href="" target="_blank">@Suburban_Wizard</a>) and Addison (<a href="" target="_blank">@AddisonTodd</a>) on Twitter.<br> Follow the show on Twitter: <a href="" target="_blank">@GiveThoughtShow</a><br>