A Day at the San Diego County Fair (From 2017) Part 2 of 2

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: (PART 2 of 2) On June 16, 2017, the Galaxy Gang were once again at the San Diego County Fair at Del Mar, California. As in years past, John and Susan Fox joined Mike and Smitty for a fun-filled two hour broadcast. Also on this occasion, we were joined by fellow Galaxy Good Guy "Shotgun Tom" Kelly. During the course of the program, we recalled memories of past years at the Fair. Shotgun recalled doing remote broadcasts from there, as well as memories of his good friend the late Frank Thompson of KOGO Radio, who broadcast from the Fair each year back in the 1960s. We hear clips of some of Frank's broadcasts. Also memories of 50 years ago, the music, the events in our world and in popular culture, and a look back at how we listened to our music 50 years ago. And also a visit from Carmel, of "Australian Battered Potatoes". It's a fun-filled two hours that's sure to bring back good memories. Join us as we go to the Fair on Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site, on the Galaxy Nostalgia Network! (PART 2 of 2)