Simple Toys of Our Youth, and, Saying Goodbye to Founder of The Weather Channel

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: On this episode of Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site, we look back to some of our favorite films that had surprise endings. Such movies as Planet of the Apes and The Sting had endings that completely surprised us and were different from how we thought they might end. Next we remember simple, basic toys from the past. Some examples are Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, Blocks, and Checkers. They required no batteries and provided us with hours of fun and entertainment. Finally we remember our friend John Coleman who passed away in January. John had been our guest back in 2013 on program 127 (pictured), and shared many of lifetime experiences in weather and broadcasting, such as being part of the original Eyewitness News Team, and his founding of the Weather Channel. John was one of the most engaging interviews we have been privileged to conduct. Our Retro-Commercials are for Halo Shampoo and for French's Mustard. Join us on Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site on the Galaxy Nostalgia Network.