Rotary Community Corps (Aired Jan. 21, 2011)

RadioRotary show

Summary: Sharon Irving and Lisa-Marie Birdsall of Cortlandt Manor Rotary (District 7230) discuss their club’s sponsorship of a Rotary Community Corps (RCC) at the Keon center in Peeksill, NY. A Rotary Community Corps is an organization for non-Rotarian men and women who share Rotary’s commitment to service. Although the Cortlandt Manor Rotary is less than a year old, with Sharon Irving as its founder and first president, it has been able to start the RCC at Keon. Cortlandt Manor Rotary and the RCC of Keon work on projects together. For example, Ms. Birdsall discusses how the RCC team helps her rescue-dog adoption program, which has placed over 1,600 dogs in 18 months, and Ms. Irving discusses how the RCC helps the Salvation Army with food distribution.