Vocational Service and Rotary (Aired December 23, 2011)

RadioRotary show

Summary: Vocations improve our lives and strengthen our communities. Rotary District 7210’s Vocational Service Advisor Tamton Mustapha (Past District Governor 1999-2000), and Rotarian Penny Byron, District Vocational Service Chair, discuss vocational training initiatives for young people, including shadowing, mentoring, and Career Days. Rotary’s emphasis is on high ethical standards in all vocations, and Rotarians have the responsibility to lead by example. Rotary clubs honor people from all vocations in their community who reflect Rotary’s high ethical standards, based on the Declaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions and on Rotary’s Four-Way Test, the first two ways of which are: “Is it the truth?” and “Is it fair to all concerned?”