Protecting our Water Supply (Aired on September 7, 2012)

RadioRotary show

Summary: Carolyn Klocker, Senior Water Resource Educator for Cornell Cooperative Extension in Dutchess County (CCEDC), discusses important updates about our water supply, describing and emphasizing watersheds and their importance. She provides easy methods that will conserve and protect our water supply and corrects misinformation about our knowledge of water. Ms. Klocker also describes the vital work of the CCEDC, which strives to extend the educational resources of Cornell Univerity and the NYS Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Human Ecology, Veterinary Medicine, etc. In addition, Ms. Klocker explains the program called “No Child Left Inside,” a movement in the United States that seeks to encourage environmental literacy for students between kindergarten and 12th grade. Ms. Klocker says: “Water will be the next oil. The more we conserve it, the better off we’ll be.”