The Power of a Volunteer (Aired on December 28, 2012)

RadioRotary show

Summary: Wendy Maragh Taylor, a social worker, became an instrument of change by helping an impoverished Liberian community build a church that also doubles as a school. Working with her husband, a civil engineer and architect who was born in Liberia and attended college in America, the two used their own savings and fundraised at their bike riding club, their church in the United States, and their workplace, telling the story of the village’s need. The journey of this endeavor, from beginning to end, is extremely powerful and heartwarming, starting with a visit to Mr. Taylor’s grandmother, still living in his birthplace after fourteen years of civil war in Liberia. Ms. Taylor’s interview includes many unique experiences in Liberia. The story about their journey is told in Ms. Taylor’s book called This Part of the Sky: Building in Liberia, with a percentage of the proceeds going toward a playground and school building separate from the church.