IMRF: Turning Leftovers into Lifesavers (May 10, 2013)

RadioRotary show

Summary: wo past Rotary 7210 District Governors, Tam Mustapha (1999-2000), IMRF President, and Knut Johnsen (2003-2004), discuss their involvement in the International Relief Medical Foundation (IMRF), founded by Dr. Hrusi Parida from Rotary District 7210’s Middletown Club. The IMRF, a nonprofit, nonpolitical organization collects surplus medical supplies and equipment for distribution to poor areas in need in developing countries around the world and in the United States. Perfectly sound equipment, gently used but slightly outdated, is tested by IMRF and shipped. Rotarians in recipient countries receive each shipment and assure effective distribution. No medications are exported, but almost all other medical supplies, even Band Aides, are welcome. Listeners were encouraged to ask their doctors and dentists about discarded equipment that could be donated. Each area around the country houses the donated equipment until it is ready for shipping. In the Hudson Valley, Guardian Storage volunteers i