ENZ 178 – Stop Comparing Someones Middle To Your Beginning

Escaping the Real Estate Investment Newbie Zone show

Summary: In this special episode of Escaping The Real Estate Investing Newbie Zone Chris Bruce talks about comparison and how it’s the thief of joy. A lot of times we as humans see someone else making the type of money we would like to be making, or see them living a certain way and it creates frustration within ourselves and even doubt. We start to get discouraged because we can’t understand why they are where they are in business and we aren’t. Most of the time we’re comparing our start to someone else’s middle of their journey.<br> What I mean is you’re seeing the success someone is having but you may have not seen the grind, the long restless nights, the days of being broke. Today’s episode you’ll discover how to use others to motivate and inspire you, instead of making you jealous or mad about where you’re at in your life and business right now.<br> Websites mentioned on podcast =  <a href="http://www.virtualwholesaleclass.com">www.VirtualWholesaleClass.com</a><br>