#189 – The Dark Knight Retires

Cinema Crespodiso show

Summary: <a href="http://chriscrespo.com/189-dark-knight-retires/episode189_thedarkknightretires/" rel="attachment wp-att-7062"></a><br> In episode 189, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn review Hell or Highwater and Chris also reviews War Dogs.<br> The Netflix Instant Pick of the Week is Lethal Weapon.<br> Dr. Drew gives his FOUR cents on the listeners’ rare opportunity to talk shit about Drew without him ever hearing it or knowing about it.<br> Billy D reviews Weiner, the documentary about the politician who has a last name like his physical appendage that he tweeted pictures of and got in trouble because he’s a dummy.<br> The Crespodisco features two forgotten James Bond theme classics.<br> Listener reviews of Hell or Highwater, The Nice Guys, Kubo, War Dogs and 99 Homes.<br> What’s up with Superman’s hair?<br> What was ever up with Steve Guttenberg?<br> What are some good remakes?<br> John Turturro is making that spin-off movie of The Big Lebowski featuring Jesus.<br> Natalie Portman is likely done with Marvel.<br> Who is actually playing Kong in Kong: Skull Island?<br> Assassin’s Creed production emphasizing practical stunts.<br> All of this plus much more!<br> <a href="http://chriscrespo.com/category/cinema-crespodiso/" target="_blank">Listen to all back episodes of Cinema Crespodiso for FREE at ChrisCrespo.com</a>!<br> <a href="http://www.twitter.com/IamChrisCrespo" target="_blank">www.twitter.com/IamChrisCrespo</a><br> <a href="http://www.twitter.com/Crespodiso" target="_blank">www.twitter.com/Crespodiso</a><br> <a href="http://www.twitter.com/Antihero419" target="_blank">www.twitter.com/Antihero419</a><br> <a href="http://www.facebook.com/cinemacrespodiso" target="_blank">www.facebook.com/cinemacrespodiso</a><br> <a href="http://www.instagram.com/cinemacrespodiso" target="_blank">www.instagram.com/cinemacrespodiso</a><br> <a href="mailto:CinemaCrespodiso@gmail.com" target="_blank">CinemaCrespodiso@gmail.com</a><br>