Millbrook Literary Festival (Aired on May 31 & June 1, 2014)

RadioRotary show

Summary: Authors Bryan Bunch (Millbrook Rotary), Jim Holmgren, and Evan Pritchard discuss the sixth Millbrook Literary Festival with host Jonah Triebwasser. Holmgren, a novelist whose future fiction novel describes the world in 2076, will host a panel of mystery writers under the heading “Who Did It? We did it!” Even Pritichard, poet and historian, who has been declared “king of the poets” for the Festival, will not only lead a panel discussion pitting nature poets against city poets, but also will be part of a “Poet’s Corner” at the Millbrook Library, where poets will read or recite through the festival. Other highlights include an illustration workshop for children at Merritt Books and Toys, panel discussions on historical fiction, journalism, creation of a book, and the history of the Hudson Valley.