RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 1 (June 21, 2014)

RadioRotary show

Summary: Co-Host, Jonah Triebwasser traveled to Sydney, Australia, for the Rotary International Annual Convention, where he taped many interesting interviews. For a starter, here are five of the subjects: Rotarian D. Bob Scott, chair of Rotary’s, describes how this campaign, in conjunction with WHO, UNICEF, the CDC, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has reduced the number of countries where polio is endemic from 125 to 3. California Rotarian Sheila Hurst tells about the Kenya Smiles Rotary Internationals Global Grant that is improving oral health of children in Kenya. The president of the Monroe-Woodbury Rotary Club, Patricia Green, describes Project Amigo, which is providing scholarships for students in Colimas State, Mexico, and also other activities of the Monroe-Woodbury Club. Two Interact students from San Jose, California, describe that club’s many activities. And Dr. Subrahmanyam Ganesh reports on the Jaipur Limb.