Spillover Bonus Episode – A Splash of News

Cinema Crespodiso show

Summary: <a href="http://chriscrespo.com/spillover-bonus-episode-splash-news/spilloverepisode_22mar2017/" rel="attachment wp-att-7627"></a>In this bonus episode, Chris Crespo and Drewster Cogburn round up the movie and TV news stories they’ve missed so far, such as:<br> Drew reviews The Belko Experiment and Chris reviews Tickled.<br> The director of Kong: Skull Island had one ridiculous idea shot down by the studio.<br> Why Kurt Russell agreed to be in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.<br> Why James Mangold, director of Logan, dislikes comic book movies.<br>  <br> <br> Paramount says no more Terminator movies, Skydance Media says otherwise.<br> Who is Skydance Media?<br> What does Tom Cruise have up his sleeve for Mission: Impossible 6?<br> Take our survey! <a href="https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DGQ9RGV">https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DGQ9RGV</a><br> Enjoy the show and damn the man, save the Empire!<br> <a href="http://chriscrespo.com/category/cinema-crespodiso/" target="_blank">Listen to all back episodes of Cinema Crespodiso for FREE at ChrisCrespo.com</a>!<br> <a href="http://www.twitter.com/IamChrisCrespo" target="_blank">www.twitter.com/IamChrisCrespo</a><br> <a href="http://www.twitter.com/Crespodiso" target="_blank">www.twitter.com/Crespodiso</a><br> <a href="http://www.twitter.com/Antihero419" target="_blank">www.twitter.com/Antihero419</a><br> <a href="http://www.facebook.com/cinemacrespodiso" target="_blank">www.facebook.com/cinemacrespodiso</a><br> <a href="http://www.instagram.com/cinemacrespodiso" target="_blank">www.instagram.com/cinemacrespodiso</a><br> <a href="mailto:CinemaCrespodiso@gmail.com" target="_blank">CinemaCrespodiso@gmail.com</a><br>