Rotary in the Hudson Valley (Aired on March 21 & 22, 2015)

RadioRotary show

Summary: RadioRotary hosts a discussion of Rotary in the Hudson Valley featuring District Governor (DG) 2014-15 Penny Byron (Patterson Rotary), Past District Governor (PDG) 2009-10 David Green (New Windsor-Cornwall Rotary), and District Governor Elect (DGE) 2015-16 Nick Constantino (Walkill East Rotary). DGE Constantino had just returned from training for his post in San Diego along with 531 other District-Governors-Elect. DG Byron tells that she has completed an obligatory visit to each of the 62 Rotary Clubs in District 7210, the district covering the Mid-Hudson Valley, including its E-Club, which has international membership. PDG Green tells of his plans for the District Convention in April. All three describe some of the ways Rotary International fulfills its mission of “doing good in the world.”