KOL076 | IP Debate with Chris LeRoux

Kinsella On Liberty show

Summary: Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 076.<br> <br> IP Debate with Chris (aka "Sid Non-Vicious") LeRoux, hosted by James Cox. LeRoux claims to be an anarcho-capitalist and former Randian but not a libertarian (he doesn't like labels, you see). He was recently arguing kinda for IP-but-not-really on Shanklin's podcast (see below), and contacted me  about these issues. As you can see from the "debate" it's not clear what his position is or why he even wanted to debate me, or what he really disagrees with me on, but, .... here it is. Cox did a good guy trying to moderate, but it ended up being a mess, as it always is with people that are not clear on basic libertarian concepts and not totally opposed to IP.<br> <br> Relevant links:<br> <br> How We Come To Own Ourselves, Mises Daily (Sep. 7, 2006) (Mises.org blog discussion; audio version)<br> A Libertarian Theory of Contract: Title Transfer, Binding Promises, and Inalienability, Journal of Libertarian Studies 17, no. 2 (Spring 2003): 11-37 [based on paper presented at Law and Economics panel, Austrian Scholars Conference, Auburn, Alabama (April 17, 1999)]<br> “Intellectual Property Rights as Negative Servitudes,” Mises Economics Blog (June 23, 2011) (C4SIF)<br> Hoppe, chs. 1-2 of A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism<br> Fraud, Restitution, and Retaliation: The Libertarian Approach<br> The Libertarian Approach to Negligence, Tort, and Strict Liability: Wergeld and Partial Wergeld<br> The Problem with “Fraud”: Fraud, Threat, and Contract Breach as Types of Aggression<br> The Libertarian View on Fine Print, Shrinkwrap, Clickwrap<br> <br>