KOL116 | Voluntary Virtues with Michael Shanklin: Fraud, Contract

Kinsella On Liberty show

Summary: Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 116.<br> <br> This is my recent appearance on Michael Shanklin’s Triple-V: Voluntary Virtues Vodcast with Michael Shanklin (my segment starts about around 1:11:23 of the video below). We discussed a variety of topics fraud and contract theory, and so on. Apparently Christopher Cantwell was on before I joined, but as we had had some words previously, he ducked out before I joined and then rejoined after I came on. It seemed a bit like an ambush to me, but I tried to be patient and explain things to him he was confused about, regarding fraud, his facebook page being taken down due to a complaint, contract and property theory, and so on.<br> <br> Some background material for these topics can be found at:<br> <br> A Libertarian Theory of Contract: Title Transfer, Binding Promises, and Inalienability;<br> Fraud, Restitution, and Retaliation: The Libertarian Approach;<br> What Libertarianism Is;<br> The Libertarian Approach to Negligence, Tort, and Strict Liability: Wergeld and Partial Wergeld;<br> Rand on IP, Owning “Values”, and “Rearrangement Rights”;<br> Hoppe on Property Rights in Physical Integrity vs Value;<br> “Aggression” versus “Harm” in Libertarianism.