Talking about Polio (Aired on October 22 and 23 2016)

RadioRotary show

Summary: Pleasant Valley Rotarian Kathy Kruger is not only the producer of RadioRotary, but she is also a registered nurse. In this interview, Ms. Kruger tells our regular co-hosts the facts about how Rotary, working the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations Foundation, the World Health Organization, and UNICEF, has reduced the incidence of the paralyzing disease polio from an annual toll of about 1,000 cases a day to fewer than 75 per year. At the time of this broadcast, as a result of a vaccination program carried out largely by Rotarian volunteers polio had been eliminated everywhere but for two nations: Pakistan and Afghanistan. But, Ms. Kruger warns, until Rotary and its partners complete the task of complete elimination—now just “this close”—the disease could be just an airplane ride away from where you are.