Vassar Haiti Project (Aired on 10-26-16 & 10-27-16)

RadioRotary show

Summary: Vassar-Haiti Project Update (Aired on October 26 and 27, 2016)<br> In response to the September 11, 2001, attack Andrew Meade, director of<br> international students at Vassar College, and his wife Lila wanted to start a<br> project that would do good in the world. Both had family ties to Haiti, the poorest<br> nation in the Western Hemisphere, so that is where their impulse took them. For<br> fifteen years, the Vassar-Haiti project the started and still direct has improved the<br> lives of Haitians in the remote village of Chermaitre, starting with building and<br> staffing a school. Today Chermaitre and the surrounding area is also served by a clinic that is part of the project. Vassar junior Clairiola Etienne, who is the director of the health initiative, and Lila Meade are the guests on RadioRotary for this program. The Vassar-Haiti project is now working to provide clean water for Chermaitre thanks to a global grant of $55,000 from The Rotary Foundation,<br> sponsored locally by the Poughkeepsie-Arlington and Pe