The Two by Two Zoo (Aired on November 19 and 20, 2016)

RadioRotary show

Summary: Heather Iannucci and her family recognized in 1993 that their collection of animals was of interest to children and many adults as well, so they formed the Two by Two Zoo to be a traveling petting experience. Soon they began to acquire other animals, often pets that their owners could no longer care for, but also animals rescued by agencies such as the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA), which also registers the traveling zoo. Today the zoo is run by Heather and her daughter Jennifer (Mr. Iannucci works at a regular job) and concentrates on providing petting experiences as schools, libraries, and similar institutions in the Hudson Valley. For the RadioRotary interview, Mrs. Iannucci was accompanied by Sydney, a young kangaroo who said little during the program.