U.N. SHOW # 1 (Aired on Jan 21 & Jan 22)

RadioRotary show

Summary: The annual Rotary Day at the United Nations each year brings together some<br> 1,500 Rotarians along with various youth groups and representatives of<br> humanitarian organizations who work with Rotarians. For this program,<br> RadioRotary interviewed Mitch Kahn from ShelterBox; Rotarian Steve Goldsmith<br> (Hawthorne LAX Lennox Rotary) and Prabha Sankaranarayan from Mediators Beyond Borders; and Rotarian-wannabe Anna Abraham representing The Gift of Life, Inc. ShelterBox, whose emphasis is disaster relief, is now a Rotary Project Partner. When Mediators Beyond Boarders looked at their members, who work for peace between individuals, tribes, and nations, they discovered that a quarter of its membership is Rotarians. The Gift of Life, which specialized in providing pediatric cardiac care to children in places where such help is scarce, frequently partners with Rotary clubs or districts in their work.