United Nations Show 3 (aired on 3-4-17 & 3-5-17)

RadioRotary show

Summary: RadioRotary presents several interviews from the 2016 Rotary United Nations<br> Day, this time centering on the activities of Rotary District 7210, the home of RadioRotary. Lou Turpin (Rhinebeck Rotary), the 2016-17 District Governor, starts the program off, emphasizing his view that the essence of Rotary can be summed up as “Do Good. Have Fun.” His interview is followed by chats with students from Red Hook Interact and Rhinebeck Interact clubs, along with Linda Greenblatt, a Rotarian advisor to the Red Hook Club. Interact Clubs in high schools are sponsored by, but run independently from, a local Rotary Club; their mission is the same as Mr. Turpin proposes, doing good and having fun. Another set of interviews brings Millbrook Rotarian Kim Sweck , who supervises Rotary Youth Exchange for Millbrook, and two of the students who have come from Italy and Brazil to spend a school year in the United States.