Jaci Wightman Interview – Episode 2.34

The Good Word Podcast show

Summary: A first time author, <a title="Jaci Wightman's official website." href="http://www.jaciwightman.com" target="_blank">Jaci Green Wightman</a> was raised in five different states before meeting her husband during her freshman year of college. Together, they’re now enjoying the daunting task of raising seven children born in just eight years. In 2012, Jaci was thrilled to graduate from BYU-Idaho with a degree in University Studies, a SHORT 21 years after postponing her schooling to start a family. Underneath all her outward busyness, however, Jaci is simply an ordinary woman who discovered an extraordinary Savior. Her greatest joy lies in teaching and testifying of the One who not only changed her heart, but also radically transformed her entire life. Jaci is the author of <a title="Purchase Body Image Breakthrough" href="http://www.amazon.com/Body-Image-Breakthrough-Learning-Beauty/dp/1462114385" target="_blank">Body Image Breakthrough</a>.<br>  <br>