#412 Saving Detroit cuz Seattle Don’t Need Saving

The Marty Riemer Show show

Summary: After a one week hiatus because of a sidetrip to the mean streets of Detroit, Marty is ready to save this blighted city. He has extra energy, because Seattle don’t need saving anymore!<br> Gay mayor, maybe a socialist City Council member, hot damn! This town is about as hip as they get. (Sorry Detroit, you’ll be back one day.) Add to that the effervescent energy of Seattle’s Radio Raheem, a band that is making it’s second appearance on the podcast in honor of it’s newly released CD “Raheem Rising.”<br> Radio Raheem’s CD Release Party is set for Saturday, November 16, 2013, at <a href="http://www.fremontwhiterabbit.com/calendar/event/this-is-funked-up-with-combinator-radio-raheem-kissing-potion" target="_blank">The White Rabbit</a>. All attendees get a free copy of their new CD, and anyone who clicks <a href="https://radioraheem2.bandcamp.com/track/calling-the-world-3" target="_blank">HERE</a> gets a free download of their electrifying tune “Calling the World.”<br> Everything is FREE! I think that’s due to socialism.<br> <a href="http://www.martyriemer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/RadioRaheemsm.jpg"></a><br>