TKAM 909 Master of All Trades MondayMotivation

TK in the AM: show

Summary: 10.29.18 What drives you today? Get up, do what you need to do, and then what you really want to. There’s always time, just don’t spend too much time wondering if you do. #MotivationMonday We’re back from Minnesota! TK and Conscious were out for a trip to conferences, and got back with some stories. All of them work related, because going for work, is different from going vacationing. In #NewsYouCanUse: Florida man is due in court for sending 14 pipe bombs to democratic political figures. Synagogue shooting left 11 dead in Pittsburgh this past Saturday. Children in wheelchairs are given epic halloween costumes. Following #ChatroomCheckIn, we dive into the stories from Minnesota. We were out there thanks to our friend, Susan from Giant Steps, so give it up to her. We were given a chance to join conversations on taking chances, on creating, and on ignoring the things that hold us back. We took you on some overtime, but it was worth it. #MotivationMonday @TKinTheAM is live every M-W-F 10-1130am EST on and tunein app. Same day replays 7pm EST also available on Apple Podcasts, GooglePodcasts, Spreaker, and Spotify! If you really like us, leave a review on Apple Podcast that’d be really cool.