Zero Carb Doc Dr. Paul Mabry - Alcohol, Insulin & More!

Get Fit with Jodelle show

Summary: Dr. Paul Mabry talks all things meat, alcohol, addiction, insulin resistance and much more! (***I will go ahead and apologize for the delay in our conversation and if it sounds like I am interrupting him, I promise I didn’t mean to, but wanted to jump ahead so there wouldn’t be even more of a delay in our conversation. We were having trouble hearing each others delay as well. My apologies also to Dr. Mabry!) Dr. Paul Mabry is a retired family medicine doctor, a writer and producer of several audiobooks, which I will link to in the show notes, an avid hiker, motorcyclist, car guy, tennis medalist, and at 67 years of age does it all on a zero carb meat rich diet! Additionally, he just celebrated 3 years of eating nothing but meat, eggs, cheese and butter and drinking nothing but water, tea and coffee without milk or  cream.  We talk about: - Is alcohol a good idea on an all meat diet? - Cocaine and drug addiction and what it stems from in the brain. - Is Zero Carb right for everyone? - Was there really a culture that ate pure meat only?? And why women ate differently from men. - Why plant foods made Dr. Mabry feel like he can’t stop eating...and how zero carb regulated his appetite - How digestion affects the brain with regard to his article “Can Your Own Mind Make You Sick” - His reference to Richard Gevirtz, and breathing to lower stress: - Dr. Robert Lustig’s Book, “The Hacking of the American Mind”. Thank you Dr. Mabry so much for this wonderful podcast and I hope to look forward to many more! You can find Dr. Mabry at And also on Facebook at “Zero Carb Doc”. Have you entered the Fbomb Giveaway yet? 5 Fortunate Followers will be randomly drawn on May 5th to win their own FREE box of Fbombs (the worlds' best nut butter packets). Listen at the end of the podcast for how to enter, and check out Fbombs at ! To learn more about my online coaching, visit: and sign up for my 6 week online coaching program. Or join my inner circle at and you can sign up for monthly coaching there as well.