#423 12th man present, 9th man absent

The Marty Riemer Show show

Summary: It was a day of breaking news:  Mayonnaise is more popular than Ketchup. And the Seahawks are going to the Super Bowl .. again.<br> Joining us today, Seahawks kicker Norm Joh…. Wait, what’s that? Delay of game penalty against #9?<br> OK, next up, Cody Beebe and his new guitarist, Skyler Mehal. We’ve always been fans of Cody’s but there’s something about this performance that really makes us say this guy has arrived! (Which is more than we can say for our first guest .. haha) The first song Cody performs is an emotional ode to his grandfather who passed away from lung cancer. Proceeds from this track (<a href="http://codybeebeandthecrooks.bandcamp.com">codybeebeandthecrooks.bandcamp.com</a>) benefit Levi Ware’s Melodic Caring Project (<a href="http://melodiccaringproject.org">melodiccaringproject.org</a>).<br> Levi even stops by the show today to lend support. Which is more than we can say for our first guest.<br> <a href="http://www.martyriemer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/CodyBeebeGroup.jpg"></a><br>