209: Taking Sides

Inappropriate Conversations show

Summary: Far too often, discussions about politics and religion (or even popular culture) are being compromised if not thwarted by blind devotion to entrenched positions. We are becoming more segregated than at any point in my lifetime, not just along arbitrary divisions of race. It's two kinds of news, or even in the minds of some people two kinds of bakeries. Tragically, we are watching an "us versus them" siege play out before our eyes and ears. I've no doubt that I have been impacted, too. Potential listeners of Inappropriate Conversations have, for want of a better phrase, weeded themselves out on shaky religious grounds. And, perhaps, my personal policies like never "un-friending" anyone might make those suspicions seem legitimate. If we can't remain in dialogue, though, then how will we have any real conversations -- inappropriate or otherwise?Different Drummer: Mel Blanc