Ten Forward Episode #166 – Data Logan’s Prime Directive Showcase

Trek Mate: Ten Forward show

Summary: Ten Forward is proud to present Data Logan’s Prime Directive Showcase, wherein Data Logan (the man of many awesome emails to the show) takes us through a smattering of the best and worst examples of The Prime Directive in Star Trek.<br> Sina is there to direct proceedings, Chris is there to disrupt proceedings and Jarman is there to work out what proceedings are to proceed.<br> Find us at all the usual places.<br> @chriscantfly<br> @queenkatblue<br> @histrionicspock<br> @tenforward<br> facebook.com/tenforwardpod<br> Iseealittlesilloutteofaman<br> <a href="http://www.trekmate.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Riker_and_Troi_as_Mintakans.jpg"></a><br>